Saturday, December 5, 2009

ARRL 160 test

Here is a shot of the ARRL 160 test. Some people think this test is the most brutal of all tests. Except for all the dang key clix I have never found it so, at least since I aquired my flex stuff. The band noise tonight was in the -117dB range, fairly quiet. The weather has finally cleared after over 24 hours of solid rain and there is a bad moon on the rise. There are a few pockets of thunder storms left but they are about 1000 miles off shore. Earlier a Delta rocket blasted off from the Cape 13 miles to my southeast attesting to the weather clearing. It was a beautiful night launch.

I spent a good deal of time listening to K1LT, W8JI, and K9DX's freq to try and hear what they were hearing and quickly trying to adjust diversity to see how well I could do. The band was not in very good shape this evening, but I could hear a great deal of what was coming through for them with my diversity setup. I caught a shot of W8JI and notice his signal is a lot like many on the band these days

Not sure what transmitter he is running but there are several on that have exactly the same signature

Very interesting as always