Steve K5FR has been up to it again!! Steve of course is the author of the fine DDUTIL utility. He has added a memory feature to DDUTIL that expands the memory capability of the radio.
At the bottom of the form are the V<>M Recall, Save, Load and Clear buttons, and some boxes that readout freq mode and memory number. The memory system revolves around 5 tunable scrolling memory slots and a way to get in and out of the memory stack using the V<>M button, and I think this is one of the best features of this applet.
You save memories simply by tuning your VFO to what ever freq you want to save, and hit save, for example
I'm on 7020.308 CWL at 25hz band width all I do is hit save and this is memorized including VFO B data into the next available memory in this case memory 1. The memories are volatile and first in first out, with the idea that you only want to scratch pad the data, not remember it forever, and the oldest data is the least desirable. If you want a more permanent memory you can use the system that already exists in PSDR I can return to this memory at any time simply by queuing up memory 1 by hitting recall to scroll me through the 5 memories and then hitting load to send the chosen memory into the Flex radio. If for example you are listening to a pileup but the pileup is too big, or the propagation still needs to build, you can set up your station, mode filter offset and all that and simply memorize it. You can then continue to tune the band. If you hear another pile up you can memorize that one also and toggle between the 2 memories.
Here is the nice feature, you can also toggle in and out of the VFO. To enter the memory stack you hit the V<>M button. When you do that your current VFO freq is memorized into a hidden 6th scratchpad memory, and the last memory slot you used is then loaded into the Flex radio. This means you can continue to tune up the band, or tune another band and keep checking back on your pileup with just one button click. If you are not ready to pounce on your prey, you simply hit V<>M again and you are placed exactly where you started before you entered the memory stack. Mode and filter etc is memorized so you can be listening to a SSB QSO up the band and instantly check your pile up with a single button click VERY COOL
Here I am listening to a SSB QSO on 7238 listening to some guy give bad advice on antennas
I hit the V<>M button and I am immediately transported to 7.020.308 CWL, the contents of memory 1.
Notice how 7.238 is now displayed in the window next to V<>M which has turned yellow. This informs you that you have entered the memory stack. If you hit the V<>M button again you are back at 7.238 ready to tune up the band some more.
Slicker 'n ______ (you fill in the blank)
Network accessible Rotators
10 years ago