HURRAY!! I did not work them. I barely heard them, and of course I was greeted with a passel of US and especially EU stations calling the VU4 ON HIS FREQ, even though he was working stations up 1-2.

A few divined they worked him on his freq (like the WA5 seen on skimmer and a bunch of DL's OM's OK's etc) even though the real people working him were a khz higher. The 599's were popping up like crazy. Then after about a solid minute of UP UP UP UP by the cops and they decided to get off the DX and go UP but by then it was daylight on his end. I gotta give them credit for showing up!! I don't know if my rant had anything to do with it or if it was simply random, but it was good to finally have a shot.
It is so informative to have this technology. It completely takes the guess work and confusion out of analyzing a situation.