This guy was remarkably hard to work. I can usually knock off a station like this in 2 or 3 calls. I think he might not be hearing all that well because the rate was slow. He was all over the pileup one minute at the top the next at the bottom and you never quite knew which way he was going to go. Tailending was absolutely worthless. Eventually I just placed myself in a quiet spot of the pandadapter about 1.5 khz about where he was last sited and hoped. My hope was answered, so now I have them on 30, 40, and 80. I hope to get my 160 antenna back up maybe tomorrow so with any luck I will snag them on that band too. He is very loud and has been building throughout the evening
Here is a shot of the path

about 6200 miles from my QTH. Presently he is well over S9 on the F5K. I'm using diversity with the 66ft vertical in once RX and the 43 ft vertical tuned for 80M at the base into the other RX
Here is the latest shot of the pileup on skimmer

I love this stuff!!