So of course I had to hear myself half way around the world. This is a shot from Google Earth of my QTH about 1/3 the way down the coast of FL, and the University of Twente. You can see the University as a little orange balloon near the lower right corner of the display.
On 30M using a 5/8 wave vert I was Q5 with 50W
On 40M using a 1/2 wave end fed vert I was Q5 on 3 watts
On 80M using a 1/4 wave full size vertical I was Q5 at 10 watts
On 160M using an inv-L I needed 1000W to make the trip
This is a shot of the terminator at the time of my test

This is way too much fun. After listening to myself I tuned in a YT1 in Serbia on 3508 khz. I could hear him at my FL QTH on the F5K and on the RX in the Netherlands/ There was considerable lag from the internet RX but it was very cool listening to this QSO using receivers that are 5200 miles apart.