This is not exactly software defined radio but I think its very cool and is certaily related to our recent discussoin. I was looking over K1EL's site reviewing the features of WinKey. I have a couple of WinKeys, V1 and V2 USB. Winkey is a full featured CW keyer, that also allows for computer control of the keyer. There are some contest programs like N1MM that have integrated winkey into the program. I presently use my Winkey V2 as my memory keyer. The internal keyer in PowerSDR is connected to my paddle, but I have a little outborad switchbox that was made for me by Begali that I use to run memories for DX contacts. I prefer the action of the internal keyer for QSO's, so over all it works for me.
I run my paddle into the F5K or the F3K's CW jack. PowerSDR also scans a comport for CW, if you turn that feature on. So I run the output of my winkey through a PNP transistor across a couple of pins on the COM-1 of my computer. This allows me to use the keyer on the F5K or the F3K or the SDR-1000 without changing any plugs, since the keyer is talking to PowerSDR in every case. If there was a way to run the winkey from remote this would allow me to use the keyer on any of the radios.
As I was poking around I found this!! It's a set up to connect 2 winkey keyers together over the internet, so you can paddle your little heart out from thousands of miles away, or from poolside at your hacienda. This looks like the perfect solution for the CW nut who wants to do remote base CW The program also allows a distant keyboard to control a single winkey connected to the transceiver. As well as control the memories Here is a shot of the control panel

What will Steve K1EL think of next?