This is the really cool thing about SDR. I checked my mail and voila' a new radio heard from!!
Vic VK1AA sent in a note about the GENESIS G40. Its a 40M 5 W transceiver, and depending on the which sound card is used for the A/D converter can work CW/SSB/FM/Digital (not sure why a 40M rig would do FM). For SSB you would need 6 channels including a mic channel, but for CW only 4, 2 inputs and 2 outputs. The size is bout 7.5" x 6", so you could make a really neat little QRP portable rig out of this, or a dedicated 40M PSK31 rig. The only time I run QRP is when I HAVE to (like during the hurricane when the lights are out. I fired up my K-1 and worked all over EU during one hurricane in the dark) The RX specs are excellent. It works with a variety of SDR back end software. It's great to see the world wide interest, and there is considerable interest down under.
I''ve spent the weekend putting together the Softrock 9.0 lite. I'm almost done so its basically a weekend project for those interested. One of the caps in the filter was cracked so I need to replace that before I fire it up.
I saw a buddy of mine at Orlando and he was showing a lot of interest in SDR. I sent him a note that I was doing this blog. He sent me a note back he was waiting on a F3K. Way Cool